''This Book Will Save Your Life'', A. M. Homes
I bought this book because the cover made me hungry. It only seemed fitting, as I now live in the home city of Dunkin' Donuts where every walk down the street is a battle against temptation. In fact, I am woefully, moronically, irretrievably influenced by book covers. It's totally irrational. I know that it's really very little indicator of whether a book is good or not (insert ''book/cover'' joke here), and yet.... I'm a sucker for the marketing. After recommendations from friends, and newspaper reviews, book covers are practically the only things which guide me once I'm in a bookshop. I was in Barnes & Noble yesterday after work (quick aside - shops that are open after 6pm! Yay!) and ended up totally disoriented due to a lack of anything I recognised, or anything visually appealing. Some day I will have to grow up and get over this, but for now it is my fate. Unfortunately, not only will this book not save your life, it's also a bit rubbish. Shame, it was so appetising.